Overcoming Internet Addiction for Teenagers and Young Adults


Many people turn to the internet to release unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness and depression. As university students it is not uncommon for us to take a break from studying by watching a few YouTube videos or playing a few rounds of LOL. It cannot be doubted that the Internet is a quick fix to our stressed lives.

However, many of us tend to lose self-control over such usage. Slowly by time we begin to seek Internet over our daily interactions as it requires less effort. It is important to remind ourselves that there are many other healthier ways to release negative feelings! These include exercising, meditating, and practicing simple relaxation techniques.

Here are a few tips to keep yourself in check:

  • Ask yourself, “What am I missing out on when I spend so much time on the Internet?” Write down these activities and decrease your Internet time to pursue some of them.
  • Set reasonable Internet use goals and stick to them.
  • Take frequent breaks, at least 5 minutes each hour.
  • Take time to appreciate the fact that life is not all online.
  • Stay connected to the offline world. Visit newsstands, book and music stores, and participate in entertainment such as museums, music, and live theater. Novels and poetry readings are hard to experience online.
  • Treat the Internet as a tool. Stay focused on the fact that the Internet is a means to an end.

Re-structuring our social lives is not easy but it is not as hard as you’d think it’ll be. You deserve so much more than scrolling up and down the screen. Try to live healthier and happier by following these tips, your mind and body will thank you for it!

Why Unplug Yourself?

Socially withdrawn youth are teenagers addicted to internet activities while showing hints of depression from over-comparison between their virtual success in internet activities i.e. gaming and their real life unsuccessfulness, leading to suicidal attempts, bullying and mental problems that need formal addressing. Low self-esteem, unwillingness to face personal difficulties, stress, reliance on parents and the ignorance of youths’ well-being by their parents and friends are contributing factors to create socially withdrawn youths.

According to Hong Kong’s Office of the Government Chief Information Officer’s Household Survey results on Information Technology Usage and Penetration, 97.4% of all Hong Kong’s households have PC connected to Internet and 74.6% of people aged 10 & over has knowledge of using PC in Hong Kong and on average spend 30 hours on the Internet per week.

It is important for Hong Kong citizens to address this problem, as these youths are expected to become pillars of the society when they come out of school. Their withdrawal from the society is a loss to all Hong Kong citizens.

Unplug Yourself Campaign aims to address such Hong Kong youths diagnose themselves and to get help. You can follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram.

YouTube: www.youtube.com/unplugyourself2014
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unplugyourself2014
Twitter: @UnplugUrself
Tumblr: unplugurselfblog.tumblr.com
Instagram: unplugurself
